After 4 Appleseed events, I finally shot a Rifleman score.

Eric with his Rifleman AQT

It’s sometimes tempting to think my journey to Rifleman started when I took my first Appleseed, but on reflection this is something I’ve been working toward for a very long time. That reflection got me started on a new project: The Gun Diaries.

This is going to be a sort of autobiographical exploration of how I got into guns and the ways that’s impacted my life for better and worse. I don’t know if this is going to be interesting for most folks, but that’s okay. I’m working on writing more, and this kind of introspection has already lead to insights I didn’t expect.

Inevitably, politics is going to be a part of this. I’m going to try to focus less on my personal political beliefs here and focus on what the real outcomes of past events have been. I plan to incorporate some letters that represent my beliefs over the years and use those as a way to reflect on how I feel now and what I got wrong.